wtorek, 10 maja 2016


The little wolf Timpani * is a real ball of fire. He loves skateboarding and rock music.

In the last April morning he visited his grandparents who live in the meadow, near Daffodil’s Bridge. The aged wolf was recollecting as in the past all the neighbors gathered at the roadside shrine with a figure of Holy Mary, they sang for Her glory and fervently prayed for the fulfillment of their hearts’ desires.

‘Some people wrote down for whom or what they pray, and this notes landed in a wicker basket located at the feet of Our Lady’, granny added.
‘ Some day you mum cared for this place, but after her death any new ‘guardian’ did not turn up,  and we lack the strength to look after it’,  grandpa’s voice trembled.

Suddenly the little wolf, absorbed by the new idea (which came to his head), ran out of the grandparents’ house. He got on a skateboard. He past the meadow and Daffodils’ Bridge in a hurry... He stopped only at the yard in front of his house.
‘We have no time to lose!’, he shouted to his dad.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Tomorrow begins the May devotions to the Holy Mary and the shrine at Daffodils’ Bridge is not ready yet ... We have to act!’
 Timpani’s dad rolled up his sleeves and restored the figure of Holy Mary. The little wolf thoroughly cleaned all the benches. Even his younger sister was ready to help: she picked armful of wild-flowers for ‘Mummy in Heaven’.

‘Oh Holy Mary, I greet you,  
Oh Holy Mary, I love you,
Oh Holy Mary, bless us
all your children ...’

Thus began the May devotion conducted by Timpani’s grandma. On the first day the wolf pack played alone. Timpani played on four huge kettledrums the most beautiful melodies, in which he rhythmically struck with sticks wrapped in felt; Dad chose saxophone; Timpani’s sister had triangle; and grandparents sang traditional songs for Holy Mary’s glory.

During the following days, the neighbours joined - firstly the closest, then outer, who love behind Daffodils’ Bridge. At the end of May, all the benches were filled with absorbed in prayers both children and elderly residents of Instrumentshire.
The little wolf Timpani had no mummy and perhaps because of it time spent with the Heavenly Mother – Holy Mary during May devotions was so precious for him.

* In both Italian and English ‘timpani’ simply means kettledrums.

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